CloudSchool System Documentation

Welcome to Cloud School

Education system outlines the backbone of every nation. Technology can play a very crucial role in streaming the whole system of education. The importance of information technology (IT) in education, whether it is used to support teaching and learning, or to develop student IT capability, or to support educational management, is now recognized throughout the world. We as Africa Cloud Space are pleased to introduce to you the CloudSchool management system, an all-in-one Online School Management & Digital Learning Platform. We are excited and thankful for the opportunity to provide you with our services, and we want to make sure you’re satisfied with our product and have a full understanding of what its about. In this document you will find tutorials and instructions for each and every service offered in the system.

Overview#back to top

The world now is moving to cloud-based systems because of speed, scalability and diversity. Built with the latest technologies and innovation, Cloud School is a cloud-based School Management Information System that provides robust support and functionality

Who is it For?

Do you desire or require a uniform singular platform to cater for your students, staff, and managing your institution? Then Cloud School is Just for you. The Cloud School System does this by providing:

  1. Student's Portal
  2. Teacher's Portal
  3. Parents's Portal
  4. Admin Portal


Some Key features of the system are:

  1. Registration of Students, staff, inventory and academic materials
  2. Comprehensive Records Management
  3. Accounts
  4. Grading and Scores
  5. Fully Functional Library System

Registration #back to top

This documentation is to help you regarding each step of customization. Please go through the documentation carefully to understand how this template is made and how to edit this properly. Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is required to customize this template. You may learn basics here, here and here.


You will need the following sofwares to customize this template.

  1. To begin Click the Registration Button
  2. Next Click the ‘Grades’ Link on the Menu
  3. Add the Grades offered in your school.
  4. Output Screen

Learning Centers

Next, we register Learning Centers, or Homeschools:
  1. In the 'Leearning Centers' tab
  2. Output Screen


  1. Click the 'Students' tab

    In this tab we are preseted with a Summary of all the students registered in the school, by Learning Center and Grade. To register new Students we can either ‘Register’ new or ‘Import’ new students. To Register:

  2. Click the button
  3. This will bring you to the Register New Student Page.

    Once on this Page, Input all the necessary fields and click submit to add your Student.

Import Students

  1. To import students from an existing source, click the button
  2. Next Select the Grade you will add them to
  3. Then Select a Learning Center
  4. Then browse fotr the file and upload
  5. Then click to save the import to the database and add the students


Open the Parents page by clinking the ‘Parents’ Link. The Parents page is similar to the students Page, It first provides a summary and a list of all the parents registered in the system. We cannot register new Parents as this is done in the students Page, or when you are editing a given students details.


The Same format is applied in the staff page, A summary and a list of all registered staff. In the Staff page however we are given Several functions, ‘Add Staff’ ‘Staff Departments’ and ‘Import Staff’ To add a new staff member, click and input all necessary information. To add a new department, click and input all necessary information. The Import Staff button works just like the Import students button *refer to “import students” instructions for any clarifications.

ACE AcademicsBack to top


  1. Click the 'Subjects' link on the Academics Menu and then:
  2. Output
  3. Proceed To add the Sub Subjects, These can be ordered Grade by Grade, for example ‘Geography’ as the Subject then 'Geography 4' For Grade 4 Geography.


  1. Generate PACE's for each Subject
  2. Submit

Subject Allocation

To register the students who are doing a certain PACE, Go to the ‘Subject Allocations’ link on the Menu. This step is Necessary before you can do projections, add grades add generate Reports. The steps for this procedure are:

  1. In the top Menu
  2. Select the Learning Center/Homeschool
  3. Select the Subject
  4. Select the Sub Subject
  5. A Learning Center class list is populated
  6. click the to select all students or check individual students on the table
  7. Click the button to allocate the selected students

Grading Criteria

To Create the Grading Criteria used in your school:

  1. click the "Grading Criteria" link on the Menu

Marks Entry

To input the scores attained by given students

  1. Select the Learning Center > Select the subject > then choose a Sub Subject
  2. On the grid generated, input the scores of that sub subject and it's PACE's per Student
  3. Submit the scores


One of the gems of the Cloud School System is that it allows for the generation of reports per student and per class. For the ACE school system the following type of reports can be generated:

  • • Covers
  • • Termly Reports
  • • Transcript
  • • Supervisor Progress Card
To generate a report:
  1. Click the ‘Reports’ Link on the Menu
  2. Select the report type> Choose a Learning Center > Choose a Grade
  3. Select the Term and Year
  4. Input the Monitor and Supervisor
  5. Click to produce the given report and print it or save it

Accounts#back to top

Cloud School offers a host of accounting solutions, to cater for your school’s needs. It is equipped with:

  1. A Bank & Cash Module

    In this module you can view, add and all your various Accounts, such as Bank and cash accounts.

  2. Fees

    In this module your control and record all that pertains to fees. You can register new Voteheads, generate fees structure, debit and credit students and much more.

  3. Other Income

    In this module you can control income received by your school received from non-school income related ventures, such as Hire and other services

  4. Chart of Accounts

    In this module you can view and generate several reports such as a General Ledge, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance among others.

Bank & Cash

Here is where you can create and manage all your accounts used for financial transactions.

Bank Accounts

In the ‘Bank Accounts’ tab. You are first welcomed with a window that displays all the Bank Accounts you have registered. To add new bank accounts, click the button.

Bank Transactions

You can view the Bank Transactions by Date, this data is displayed comprehensively in a grid table.

Cash Accounts

In the ‘Cash Accounts’ Tab. You are first welcomed with a display of all Cash Accounts you have Registered. You can add a new Cash Account by clicking the button.

Cash Transactions

In the 'Cash Transactions' Tab
you can transfer funds between two accounts you have registered

Inter-Account Transfer

In the ‘Inter Account Transfer’ tab.
You can transfer funds between two accounts you’ve registered.



To create a votehead

  1. Choose as Relevant
  2. Follow the Steps
  3. Choose as appropriate and then click the button

Fee Structure

In this tab you can generate a fees structure for each grade using the registered mandatory Voteheads. To begin Start by choosing the Grade, then choosing the voteheads and inputting an amount for each term, Once this is done click submit.

Fee Debiting

In this Tab. You Debit all student per Grade according to the mandatory voteheads. To do this. Select the Grade and click ‘Submit’. This will Debit all the students in that Grade according to the mandatory Voteheads. Fee debiting Window

To expand records

Expanded View (Showing Debited Voteheads and payment details)

To debit optional Voteheads, Click The ‘Other Debits’ Link on the Side Menu. Or alternatively you can click the ‘Debit Optional Accounts’ link at the top right corner of the window:

Fee Payements

We go to the fee payments window to record and input fee payments made for a given student, we also have several functionalities made available in this page.

Other Debits Batch

In this Tab you can Debit students according to optional Voteheads. You can choose an entire Grade or Select individual students. To select Individual Students. Click the blue arrow, and place a check on the appropriate Students.

Fee Crediting (Batch)

In this tab. You can Credit all or select students on a given activity. By choosing the student or students and selecting the activity and amount to be credited this is immediately reflected upon submission

Fee Balances

This tab allows us to simply view the Balances for each Student. To view this record. Select the Grade and Year. The details for each student are then displayed on a grid table.

Fee Records

In this tab. You can get a summary or all fee payment records.

Other Income

In this tab. You can keep records of other income activities by the school, for example if the school hires any equipment or such services. You would record such transactions in this section. To do this, start with registering a customer and then input the details of the transactions.


Once you have completed and recorded transactions. You can generate the following reports in the ‘Reports’:

  1. General Ledger
  2. GL Summary
  3. Trial Balance
  4. Profit & Loss Statement
  5. Balance Sheet